About Us
About Us
Founded in 1995, Khalsa Community School has supported the learning of children from Junior Kindergarten through to the University since 2013. Students at Khalsa Community School are grouped into three areas of study: Primary/ Elementary, Intermediate and High School. Each group follows the curriculum outlined by the Ministry of Education and complimented with the MYP program in grades (6 -10) A specialized curriculum is designed by the teachers to provide a learning environment that encourages creative interests and physical actions as well as a sense of civic responsibility. Our experienced teachers are selected for their classroom management experience, in-depth understanding of the concepts, and carrying and nurturing attitude toward students.
Open communication is important for us in supporting students and parents. Our student center on Moodle is a direct digital link with parents/students to glance at the activity of the day assignment with due dates evaluation and any other important information for our planning.
Progress report cards are sent in the months of November, March and June. Students who write examinations starting in grade 3 must achieve a minimum of 65%. Any students who score below the threshold will be identified, and remedial intervention is designed to support learning. .